1 Nephi Title The First Book of Nephi His Reign and Ministry:
1. Royal Skousen notes that two manuscripts of the Book related to the title of First Nephi have generated some interesting commentary relative to the historical nature of Mormon. The first is the Original Manuscript, which was written down by scribes as Joseph Smith dictated the text. This manuscript is sometimes referred to as the dictated manuscript. The second manuscript is called the Printer’s Manuscript. It was copied from the Original Manuscript and taken to the printer to be used for typesetting the 1830 edition. Although much has been preserved of the Original Manuscript, the title page for First Nephi has not. However, in the Printer’s Manuscript we find that on the title page of First Nephi, the main title line reads only “The Book of Nephi His Reign and Ministry.” The word “first” has been written in above the title. Thus, in our present edition of the Book of Mormon, the modified main title for First Nephi reads “The [First] Book of Nephi” (brackets added); with a subtitle below reading “His Reign and Ministry.” Who wrote in the word “first,” and why? According to Royal Skousen, who has done thorough analysis of both the Original Manuscript and the Printer’s Manuscript, evidence seems to substantiate the idea that Oliver Cowdery deliberately made this title correction during the process of transcribing the Printer’s Manuscript for publication. 1
A note on the Original Manuscript and the Printers Manuscript: The early editions of the Book of Mormon were taken from two manuscripts: the Original Manuscript and the Printers Manuscript. According to Dean Jessee, the one thing that confirmed the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon in the mind of Emma Smith was the method of writing the Original Manuscript:
No man could have dictated the writing of the manuscript unless he was inspired; for, when acting as his scribe, your father would dictate to me hour after hour; and when returning after meals, or after interruptions, he would at once begin where he had left off, without either seeing the manuscript or having any portion of it read to him.
To those who have read the Book of Mormon more than once, the title “The First Book of Nephi, His Reign and Ministry” might appear puzzling because the association of Nephi with kingship is not mentioned until the fifth chapter of the Second Book of Nephi (2 Nephi 5:18). Furthermore the title of “The Second Book of Nephi” omits the phrase “His Reign and Ministry.” One might ask, What is going on here?
According to a series of articles by Noel Reynolds, although Nephi testifies of Christ, the writings of Nephi can also be read in part as a political tract written to document the legitimacy of Nephi’s rule:
Because Nephi’s central purpose is to persuade readers to believe in Christ, he takes every opportunity, both between the lines and by direct statement, to mitigate the awkward fact that this teaching was coming from him as a younger brother, who by tradition could not easily claim the right to rule and teach the family (2 Nephi 5:3). Sobered by this formidable task, Nephi carefully employs every literary and rhetorical tool at his disposal to justify his position as the righteous and rightful leader of the group.
In order to set a historical perspective to his claim to leadership, Nephi includes several stories in 1 Nephi which illustrate the fact that God makes covenants with those who humbly seek him (more specifically Lehi & Nephi). And as they are obedient to those covenants in overcoming trials, the Lord chooses them to “reign” (“rule over”) and “minister” to (“teach”) [see 1 Nephi 2:16-24; 3:29] their brethren. Those who murmur and rebel (specifically Laman and Lemuel) against the chosen leaders of the Lord (Lehi and Nephi) lose the blessings passed down from those who “reign” and “minister” over them. The stories in 1 Nephi are as follows:
1. Nephi supports the prophet of God [Lehi] as he leads them into the wilderness and seeks to know the things of his father. (1 Nephi 1-2)
2. Nephi does the Lord’s errand and obtains the word of God [the brass plates]. (1 Nephi 3-5) 11.
3. Nephi seeks Ishmael & his daughters that they might “raise up seed” unto the Lord. (1 Nephi 7)
4. Lehi’s Tree-of-Life vision portends the future for his seed. Nephi partakes of the fruit; Laman & Lemuel don’t. (1 Nephi 8)
5. Nephi seeks further light & knowledge regarding the vision of his father and his wish is granted. (1 Nephi 10-15)
6. Nephi becomes an instrument in the Lord’s hands, being directed by Lehi & the Liahona in his search for life sustaining nourishment. (1 Nephi 16)
7. Directed by the Lord, Nephi constructs a vessel that will carry his family to the promised land. (1 Nephi 17) 12
8. Despite the storms & forces destined to sink them or throw them off course, Nephi remains faithful and leads his family to the promised land. (1 Nephi 18)
9. Nephi teaches his brothers concerning the words of the prophets such as Moses, Isaiah, and Joseph. The reader should note that Nephi has structured his stories and writings so as to pattern his “reign” and “ministry” with the words and actions of those prophets (1 Nephi 19-22)
Thus Nephi’s “reign” as well as his “ministry” began well before the time chronicled in Second Nephi when his people “would that [he] should be their king” (2 Nephi 5:18).
As for the reason Nephi wrote two books, Reynolds notes that although the narrative between the first and second books written by Nephi is continuous, Nephi chose to make a large structural break because the internal structure of 1 Nephi emphasizes its separate character as a single literary unit.
1 Nephi is not the travel diary of a youngster. Nor is it possibly a figment of young Joseph Smith’s imagination. It is a highly complex and passionate account, purposefully written by a mature man of great culture and vision to defend those things that he believes most worth defending. Nephi’s writings were composed at a time when Nephi could see the need to provide his people with an account that would explain, document and justify his ascent to leadership. For Nephi’s people, his writings long served both as an extremely sophisticated political tract, as something of a founding constitution for the Nephite people, and as an elaborate and compelling witness of Jesus Christ. 13
1 Nephi: Superscription An Account of Lehi:
In 1830 the printer identified and italicized twenty-two superscriptions. Additionally, other passages have been found to conform to the superscription style. 14
1 Nephi: Superscription An Account of Lehi . . . I, Nephi Wrote this Record:
In First Nephi, immediately under the subtitle “His Reign and Ministry,” a superscription in italics summarizes the contents of the book. Opinions differ on who wrote this headnote:
1. Sidney Sperry claims that this headnote is part of the original text, “as one may notice by examining the last line of it, which reads, ‘I, Nephi, wrote this record.’ Doubtless this superscription was written by Nephi after he had completed the body of the text. His habit of writing superscriptions containing brief summaries of the text set a precedent” (Sidney B. Sperry, Book of Mormon Compendium, p. 93)
2. According to the Book of Mormon Student Manual for Religion 121 and 122, this headnote “is a summary of 1 Nephi and is part of the original text. It was not added by modern writers. All of the headnotes in the Book of Mormon are part of the original record given to the prophet Joseph Smith, including the inserts preceding individual chapters (for example, Mosiah 9 and Alma 21).” [Church Educational System, Book of Mormon Student Manual for Religion 121 and 122, 1989, p. 4]
3. Royal Skousen agrees that this headnote was part of the original text, but contrary to what Brother Sperry claims, Skousen asserts that the headnotes were apparently written before the text verses themselves. A good illustration supporting Skousen’s argument comes from the headnotes in the book of Helaman. The headnote at the beginning of the book mentions some of the contents as being “the prophecies of many holy prophets,” whereas further on in the book of Helaman, “The Prophecy of Nephi” and “The Prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite” are duly noted. Had the beginning headnote been written after the text, these specific prophets might have been mentioned by name rather than just being referred to as “holy prophets.”
In addition, and contrary to what is said in the Book of Mormon Student Manual for Religion 121 and 122, not all the headnotes are part of the original record. The headnote for the book of Ether does not appear in the Printer’s Manuscript, nor does it appear in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. The note seems to have been inserted by the committee (in 1920) appointed to edit the text. [Royal Skousen, Director, Book of Mormon Critical Text Project, Personal Communication]
4. As a fourth option, I do not think I am being too irrational to wonder if the headnote at the beginning of First Nephi was written by Mormon as part of either a literal translation of the small plates from old characters on odd-sized plates onto his own set of plates, or as part of the process of somehow putting the small plates with the “remainder of [his] record” (Words of Mormon 1:6). Thus the writing of headnotes may be attributed to Mormon’s style. After all, the headnotes are all written in third person, with the exception of this one phrase in First Nephi: “I, Nephi wrote this record”; and it could be conceded that here in First Nephi, Mormon could have written this headnote summary in third person and then included the first person phrase at the end, recognizing that Nephi had written his record as a first-person narrative. It is also possible that Nephi, while not writing the complete headnote, at least included in his record the phrase “I Nephi wrote this record,” and Mormon found a way to include it in his headnote summary.
The reader should also note that the superscriptions for the books of Second Nephi and Jacob are also written in third person; however, there are no superscriptions for the books of Enos, Jarom and Omni, which complete the Small Plates. [efn_notes]Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes[/efn_note]
1 Nephi (Chapter Divisions):
As noted earlier, we do not have the Original Manuscript title page for First Nephi. However, in the Printer’s Manuscript we find that above the title section, which reads “his reign and ministry,” the phrase “Chapter 1st” has been inserted. Who was responsible for writing in “Chapter 1st” and also for dividing the whole Book of Mormon into chapters?
Although we do not have the Original Manuscript title page of First Nephi, we do have the Original Manuscript title page of Second Nephi. In the title of Second Nephi, the words “second” and “Chapter I” are written in above the title line (The [Second] Book of Nephi [Chapter I]). Above these insertions is also written “Chapter V VIII,” with lines slashed through it. This corrected line can be understood in light of the fact that the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon contains 7 (VII) marked chapters in First Nephi. It seems that at the beginning of Second Nephi, Oliver Cowdery (under the direction of Joseph Smith) initially planned for a new chapter and only later did he and Joseph realize they had begun a new book. 15
Later, a more expanded system of chapters was devised by Orson Pratt. Daniel Ludlow writes that in the year 1879, Orson Pratt divided the Book of Mormon into more chapters than were already present in the 1830 edition of the book. 16
1 Nephi: Chapter Heading Nephi Begins the Record of His People–Lehi Sees in Vision, etc.:
Who wrote the summary chapter headings in the Book of Mormon? Daniel Ludlow explains that the chapter headings were first added as a result of the recommendations of a committee headed by Elder James E. Talmage of the Council of the Twelve in 1920. 17
Note: These headings were apparently revised for the 1981 edition by a committee headed by Thomas S. Monson, Boyd K. Packer, and Bruce R. McConkie of the Council of the Twelve. 18
1 Nephi: Verses 1, 2, 3, etc.:
There were no numbered verses in the Original Manuscript, Printer’s Manuscript, the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, or other early versions. According to Daniel Ludlow, in 1852 the third European edition of the Book of Mormon was published by Franklin D. Richards. In this edition Brother Richards numbered the verses in the various chapters already present from the 1830 edition. In 1879, Orson Pratt further divided the book into chapters and verses and added some footnote references. 19
1 Nephi Chronological Footnotes About B.C. 600:
The chronological footnotes were first added as a result of the recommendations of a committee headed by Elder James E. Talmage of the Council of the Twelve in 1920. 20
1 Nephi 1:1-3 (Colophon):
Brant Gardner notes that Hugh Nibley first identified 1 Nephi 1:1-3 as a colophon, a structured and typical identifactory passage used at the beginning or end of many ancient documents (Nibley Since Cumorah 1967, pp. 170-171). The essential elements are the identification of the writer, the writer’s lineage, and at times a statement of the veracity or trustworthiness of the written text. 21
Royal Skousen, Director, Book of Mormon Critical Text Project, Personal Communication
Joseph Smith, "Last Testimony of Sister Emma," 26 Oct 1, 1879, p. 289
Dean C. Jessee, "The Original Book of Mormon Manuscript," BYU Studies, Vol. 10, 1970 Spring, pp. 259-278. Reprinted by F.A.R.M.S.
Royal Skousen ed., The Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon: Typographical Facsimile of the Extant Text, FARMS, pp. 13-14
Royal Skousen ed., The Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon: Typographical Facsimile of the Extant Text, FARMS, 2001
Royal Skousen, "Manuscripts of the Book of Mormon," in To All the World: The Book of Mormon Articles from the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, p. 179
For a discussion on this see additional commentary below on "His Reign and Ministry." For further discussion of this situation see the commentary on 1 Nephi 1:17; 2:22
Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes
"Nephi's Outline, BYU Studies, Vol. 20, No. 2
Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes
see the chiastic analysis of 1 Nephi 3-5
See the chiastic analysis of 1 Nephi 17
Noel B. Reynolds, "The Political Dimension in Nephi's Small Plates," FARMS, 1987, 1-40; see also Reynolds, "Nephite Kingship Reconsidered," in Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World, pp. 151-189; see also Noel B. Reynolds, "Nephi's Outline," BYU Studies 20 (winter 1980): 131-49, which is reprinted in Noel B. Reynolds, ed., Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, 1982: reprint, Provo, Utah: FARMS, 1996), 53-74. The idea that the book of 1 Nephi is a structured chiastic unit is treated by H. Clay Gorton in A New Witness for Christ: Chiastic Structures in the Book of Mormon, pp. 23-82. See the commentary on 1 Nephi 1:2
Zarahemla Research Foundation, Study Book of Mormon, p. 3. See the commentary on 1 Nephi 19:1
Royal Skousen, Director, Book of Mormon Critical Text Project, Personal Communication. See the commentary on 2 Nephi 1
Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, p. 43. See the commentary on 2 Nephi 1
Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, p. 43
Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes
Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, p. 43. The verses have apparently remained unchanged since then, Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes
Daniel H. Ludlow, A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon, p. 43. With a few minor exceptions, these footnotes were left intact in the 1981 edition, Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes
The concept of the colophon was expanded in John A. Tvedtnes' "Colophons in the Book of Mormon" in Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, pp. 32-37. Brant Gardner, "Brant Gardner's Page," http://www.highfiber.com/ ~nahualli/LDStopics/1 Nephi/1Nephi1.htm, p. 1
Library-Archives, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Auditorium, Independence
Dean C. Jessee, “The Original Book of Mormon Manuscript,” BYU Studies, Vol. 10, 1970 Spring, pp. 259-278. Reprinted by F.A.R.M.S.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Deseret Book Company, 150th Year Anniversary Facsimile of the 1830 Edition of the Book of Mormon, 1980
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds (“Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
Noel B. Reynolds, “Nephi’s Outline, BYU Studies , Vol. 20, No. 2, as presented in Richard G. Grant, “Nephi’s Masterpiece: The Amazing Structure of First Nephi,” http://www.cometozarahemla.org/nephi/first-nephi.html
John Welch and Morgan Ashton, “Comparison of Chapter Divisions: 1830 and 1981,” in Charting the Book of Mormon, F.A.R.M.S., Packet 1
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